No More Blocked Tube

We saw the PA, Mary, at Pediatric ENT of Oklahoma today to follow up on Hudsyn’s ear troubles. My dad (Hoot), Hudsyn, and I drove to OKC last night after work and when we got to our room we noticed Huddy had a fever. I gave her some Tylenol and she slept well but when she got up this morning it had returned. By the time we got to her appointment the Tylenol had kicked in - she didn’t have a fever and she was ready to play! But when they tried to check her pulse, O2 levels, etc., she was not having it as usual. Then, when Mary looked in her ears she REALLY got mad and she and I were both sweating from the wrestling match we had while I was trying to hold her down. Her right ear looked great but when she went to look at her left ear (the one where the tube has been blocked) she said “Wow, there’s definitely an infection here! Look!” And when I did there was some major drainage coming out of that ear. Disgusting! She used a cotton swab to get a sample of the drainage to be sent to the lab and cultured. She later explained to me that the lab will use the sample to determine what strain of bacteria is present and what antibiotics work best against that particular strain. We should then be able to treat the ear infections with an antibiotic we know will work rather than guessing.

Hopefully the fever wont return and Hudsyn will start to feel much better now that all that junk is out of her ears. If not, we will be off to the doctor in Guymon tomorrow!

We go back to OKC Monday for her 4 month check-up with Dr. Smith who repaired her Palate in September and then back for an ENT check-up the next week. We are keepin the road hot but Hudsyn is being a trooper and comes up with funny new dance moves and stuff that keep us laughing every trip :).

Our princess has so many people thinking about and praying for her and we are so thankful for every single one of you!



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