God has a plan!

I've said it lots of times before.... but we truly do have the best people in our lives! Although the first several months of Hudsyn's life have been eventful, they will be memorable! We have received tremendous amounts of support through sweet Facebook and text messages, phone calls, visitors, monetary help, encouraging cards, and yummy home-cooked meals. Many of these are things I used to take for granted, but mean so much to me now. As a mother, hearing and reading encouraging words and being told I am doing a good job is one of the most impactful things for me. Over the last several weeks I have heard these words from several people - just when I needed them! I have come to realize that God's timing is perfect - whether I realize it or not. He knew just when I was feeling defeated as a mother and sent these sweet people to encourage and support me. I am so grateful for each and every person who has encouraged and/or helped us in ANY way. We are SO blessed.

Just like many young couples starting their lives and raising children, Isaac and I were not financially prepared for the medical bills we have and will continue to incur in order to ensure we get the best care for our sweet Hudsyn. God, however, has a plan! The last month has been a roller coaster dealing with insurance, bills, copays, deductibles, in and out of network services, and so on.... We were unsure how things would work out for a short period of time, but later received great news - in more than one form - assuring us that Hudsyn will continue to receive the best care and we won't even have to eat ramen noodles for the rest of our lives ;). Kidding. We would do whatever it took to provide the very best care for either one of our babies, but not having to stress about it so much definitely makes things easier! :)

Recently, Isaac and a friend hosted a coyote hunt which paid out more than 90% to the winners. The day after the contest, a member of the first place team - someone we've known for years, but expected nothing from - came by our house and donated his part of the winnings to our family to help with medical bills and expenses. These are the kinds of people I cannot imagine this world without. I am so grateful for people like him!

Our sweet babies are SO loved!! I have never been more thankful for our small community and the wonderful caring people who live here!



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