Huddy Update

Hudsyn saw the audiologist again today for a hearing test and even though she cooperated better this time, the results were pretty similar to last time. The audiologist had another one help her this time in hopes of a better, more reliable test. Poor Huddy had the hiccups the whole time she was in the testing/sound proof room so that wasn’t helpful; plus, she really wanted her snacks and she couldn’t have them in there - she gets her eating habits from her mommy. :)

The testing still suggests that she has at least mild low frequency hearing loss. She tested in the normal range for high frequency sounds at low volumes in at least her better ear. Because of the way the testing is done there isn’t a way to determine which ear is hearing what. 

Both tubes tested to be open so that’s definitely a good thing. Hopefully they are finally all straightened out and doing their job. They will retest her hearing in 3 months and we will go from there. 

She has had 2 speech sessions and has really warmed up to Karlen, her therapist. Maybe she will say a few words soon and we won’t have to hear that squawking she she does when she wants something :). 

When she is 2 we will go to her first "Cleft Clinic" where she will be able to see all of the doctors she could possibly need all at once. They all work together to form the best plan for moving forward so I am anxious for that. For now, she seems pretty happy (and sassy) so we will just keep doin what we are doin! 

We have the best prayer warriors and we appreciate all of you. :) 



  1. Love that little princess and you all have my prayers!


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