
Hudsyn is making huge progress! She has been sleeping well which is great for everyone :) This morning she had her first post-surgery bottle, which she scarfed down, and she is loving having her paci back! 

During the night she wiggled around and rubbed her face on the sides of her bed until she worked off the steri-strips covering her stitches. They are still attached to her cheeks on one side but we had to trim the loose edges so she wouldn't pull on them. So now we can see her pretty little mouth even better! I cannot believe how much one surgery changed her looks! She looks so much like her big brother now! 

Today we switched over to Tylenol rather than the pain medicine she has been taking which is big progress! She seems to have very minimal pain - I am SO glad! She has also done really well having her "no-nos" (arm restraints) off. She's kept her hands away from her face and loves being able to move her arms freely. Of course, I only take them off when I am holding her or am watching her really close. We've been doing lots of cuddling and I've done lots of watching her sleep! :) I am so glad she is on the mend and will be feeling much better by Christmas! 



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