Princess Huddy - Surgery #3

My tiny princess is about to have her third surgery. Three surgeries in less than a year and still look at that sweet, contagious smile! She is spunky and feisty and if anyone can do this she can! I know God chose her because he knew she was strong enough, he knew she was brave enough, and he had a plan - but it sure is hard on this mommy's heart. She has no idea what is coming. And while that is likely a good thing... I can't help but feel bad. Maybe that's why my anxiety is through the roof? I'm having it for both her and I?? I was anxious before her first two surgeries but this one has brought me to an all time high... I've also done quite a bit of reading and have learned that most children have a really hard time with this surgery simply because they are old enough to be REALLY mad. It's not so much the actual procedure as the fact that they don't want to be still or want anything to hold them back. I have probably gotten myself all worried about that... but I am SO nervous! But my Huddy girl is so tough and resilient I know she will bounce right back! 

She is so full of life and I often wonder what she would say if she could talk... but most of the time I think it is probably best that I don't know at this point.  Some of the looks she gives me strongly suggest that this wild child is going to have no filter....


Her friend Camry is her favorite and, as you can see, she lets her have whatever she wants.... 

She has NO fear.... 

And likes to show everyone that she is "So Big"

She's such a ham! 

It is so weird to think that she has lived her entire life with no Palate. She has no idea what it's like to have a roof of her mouth. But when she wakes up from surgery on Wednesday she will have one! It will probably hurt... and it will take some getting used to... but she will have a Palate! It is so crazy what surgeons can do. No more baby food or formula coming out her nose... at least not to the extreme it has been! No more digging out pieces of cookie wrapper her dad and brother left laying around that she's had stuck in her Palate for who knows how long, no more avoiding big people food for fear it will get stuck or she will choke. I know she will feel like a brand new girl once she is all healed up... but I also know we are gonna need some prayers to get there! 

I cannot believe that my baby will be 1 in a few days.... it seems like just the other day we were meeting her for the first time and now we have been through so much together. I'm so thankful God chose me to be her mommy!! 



  1. Ahhhh, she's a beautiful & BRAVE Little tyke....she will b perfectly fine....."Perfect Love for Jesus cast out all fear!!"
    We love this Princess!!!
    Dana, Tommy & Gianna


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