Let's Go Home

This surgery was definitely different from the previous two. When we got to go back and see her she was NOT a happy camper and it took quite a while to get her pain under control. She had lots of draining and bleeding from the site which was obstructing her airway and causing her O2 levels to decrease. She had to be suctioned several times because she was still so out of it and wasn't swallowing or spitting those secretions out - that was rough! She was kicking and flopping and flailing and crying, and coughing, and pulling at wires...she was so mad! It was hard to hold her because she was being so wild. In recovery she was getting IV Meds every 10 minutes and still seemed miserable. Her poor little eyes looked so distant and weird when she would open them for a few seconds at a time. It has never been fun seeing her after surgery but this one was definitely more difficult than the others. 

After she settled a little and wasn't quite as wild we were taken upstairs to a regular room where Hoot, Honey, big brother, and Aunt Jennie met us.  Poor Hudsy girl still was not a happy camper and Barrett wasn't sure what to think about that.... but he hung out and played cars, read books, or watched someone's phone or his kindle all day - with no nap! 

The night wasn't great, but it definitely could have been worse! We had awesome nurses and care all the way around. When Hudsy woke up around 4 she did quite the turnaround! I got a little smile for the first time and she started "talking" a little bit. We were also able to get some formula down her which was huge!! Then, the next time she woke up She drank from her sippy cup! Yay!! Progress! 

She stayed awake for 45 minutes or an hour and played peek-a-boo and stuff with me... and then slept some more. 

While we were in the hospital she sassed every single nurse as soon as they walked in the door and made sure they knew she was the boss! She pulled out her IV last night.... so she is 3 for 3 when it comes to IVs! Every time she has had surgery she has managed to get her IV out before the nurses were ready for it to come out. Little turkey! But hey, at least she's consistent! 

We were discharged around 10 this morning and are on the way home now! She slept for the first couple of hours and then ate and had some medicine. Now she is just staring at me... probably about to doze back off. 

She's a trooper - that's for sure!! And we are so proud of her for being so big and tough through all of this. God is good!



  1. What a family of tough cookies you guys are! So glad this is behind you. You guys were all such troopers. Isaac was a bit like a caged lion in the waiting room. He wiggled and tried to sit, then switched chairs then jumped up to check the screen where they showed her status. Such a caring daddy. Your Barrett is such a good little man. He never cried or threw a fit. I know you feel like he is a bit of a pill right now but his behavior was impressive. And your parents are just so supportive and there. And you, Bailey girl, there are no words to describe how awesome a mom you are. I love being part of your family💗💖💗💖


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