
So... we learned a few things at pre-op today:

1. We will not be eliminating the milk and nor other liquids/foods coming out of Hudsyn's nose entirely with this "palatoplasty" - but maybe when she has the bone graft at age 8 or 9. :)

2. Just when you psych yourself up to get up super early in the morning to be at the hospital they surprise you and "let you sleep in" (like there is such a thing when you have a 3 year old and an almost 1 year old who can't have formula after midnight).

3. Not all planned surgeries are scheduled early in the morning - despite the angry screaming baby in the office who will likely still be screaming tomorrow when she arrives for surgery at 11.

Needless to say... mommy needs (has) wine, Hudsy needs (can't have) formula and we all need patience to get us through the next 11ish hours :). Guess we will just have to have a dance party :). 



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