Post-Op Check-Up

Princess Hudsyn gets a break from her nasal stents until her next surgery in approximately 5 weeks. I can't imagine how much better her nose feels now and it wasn't even to traumatic getting them out! The doctor said everything looks great and there's not much to do until the next surgery. They will start working with the insurance and call us with a surgery date as soon as they have one. 

They will basically reopen the incisions that are already there and pull the skin tighter. They will discard some additional tissue because although we might not realize it, a cleft is essentially "extra tissue." We were told to expect basically the same process and recovery as the previous surgery. 

When we've been to Dr. Smith's office before there haven't been many people in the waiting room, but today there were a couple other babies who had surgery last week also. We are so blessed to have a baby who is doing so well after surgery. Apparently it is not very common for them to eat as well as Hudsyn or to continue to grow and be fairly happy. The last couple of days/nights have been a little rough, especially compared to how well the first few days after surgery went, so it was somewhat encouraging to see that we aren't the only ones having a bit of a hard time. We are so lucky to be this precious, tough, spoiled, but stubborn baby's parents.





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