Surgery #1 and Post-Op

We got to the hospital just after 7 this morning, got the paperwork done,and Hudsyn checked in for her surgery. The six of us ( me, Isaac, Barrett, Hoot, Honey, and my aunt Jennie) hauled all of our junk in to entertain us while we waited.... :) we looked like we were moving in!  

We were instructed not to give Hudsyn any formula after 11:15 last night and no pedialyte after 5:15 this morning... so we were expecting a rough night. She has been sleeping pretty good but has still been waking up between 4 and 6 to eat most nights/mornings. But she surprised us and slept all night.... and didn't even have pedialyte. She was perfect.

Isaac and I went back with Hudsyn to the pre-op holding area where they weighed and measured her and asked lots of questions. 

Then they let the rest of our entourage come back with us. We met with the anesthesiologist, a nurse practitioner, and the surgeon. They gave us all of the details and told us what to expect and then about 9 we went to the waiting room and a sweet nurse took Hudsyn back for some laughing gas! :)


Handing her to the nurse wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be and this mommy didn't even shed a tear.... although I did THINK I was going to hurl!! :) We were shown to the waiting room and got settled in. Hudsyn had been given a card with a number on it so we could identify her on the big board in the waiting room. It showed each patient's progress from pre-op to the operating room and on to post op, which was pretty neat and gave us something to focus on. Our pastor, Gary, and his sweet wife Joyce surprised us and came to be with us while we waited. 

We watched families come and go from the waiting room. Then Dr. Smith came out about 10 and told us they were done and Hudsyn had done great. She was extubated and had done well with the anesthesia. Pretty soon another doctor came out and told a family sitting across from us that their son was out of surgery and had done well. I didn't hear all the details, but they were definitely happy to get good news. Then, a few minutes later the lady who was taking families back to see their family members came and got the mom. I was thinking "hey... my daughter was done first! Why does she get to go see hers before me?" Then... pretty soon while I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself a little, both women came back.... False Alarm! She took the other lady to see my daughter!! I can't imagine how that poor mommy must have felt when all she wanted to do was hold and comfort her baby and she walked up to someone else's. I felt so sorry for her. So, the lady figured out I was the one she was supposed to be taking back and off we went. When I got back there a nurse was feeding her sugar water with a syringe attached to a rubber catheter. She was so excited because Hudsyn was eating like a champ! I took her and snuggled her up and then fed her some more. Then she snuggled right into me and went to sleep. 

I couldn't believe how different she looked in that short (but long) 45 minutes to an hour. She suddenly had two nostrils and could close her mouth. It is truly amazing what can be done with all of the technology we have. 

The rest of the family met us at the elevators and we came upstairs to our room on the 9th floor. I rocked and snuggled Hudsyn for a long time. The nurse gave her some morphine but it just seemed to work for a short period of time and then wear off... so we decided to try the oral Lortab she had orders for. Although she didn't like the taste of it much, she took it and about 30 minutes later, as I held and rocked her, I felt her sweet little body begin to relax. We spent most of the day switching off between mommy and daddy holding her but were able to keep her pain pretty well under control with the Lortab. PTL! She rested and then would wake and fuss around; so we would feed her and she would doze back off. 

Hoot and Honey took Barrett back to the motel to take a nap... hospitals are NOT the best places for an ornery two year old to hang out! :) He, of course, feels the need to pull every lever, flip every switch, and touch erything... including the toilet seat! Disgusting! 

While they were gone we had several visitors. My sweet friend McKinlee came to check on us and brought some toys and goodies for everyone. Several other family friends, Brooke, Christin, and Kennedy also came by to see us. It was so sweet and thoughtful of them all! Our pastor and his wife also came back bearing gifts. Throughout the day we all received countless sweet messages, calls, and facebook comments. We are so blessed! 

Hoot, Honey, and Barrett barely missed the action/drama that happened while they were on their way back to the hospital after Barrett's nap.  While Isaac was feeding Hudsyn she got EXTREMELY mad... it was like a different cry. It was the hurt cry.... much worse than any I heard all day. He was trying to calm her when I happened to look down and see blood all over her precious little gown and blanket. We finally realized she had pulled out her IV. Poor baby. The nurse came and cleaned her up and told us we didn't have to place another IV as long as she doesn't need any morphine for breakthrough pain. Her poor little precious hand is going to be sore for a few days. :(

We got something to eat (story of my life)  and hung out at the hospital for a while. Then, Barrett went with Hoot and Honey to look at some Christmas lights and go to the motel. 

Hudsyn got to have some formula at 5, and although she didn't eat super fast (which was probably a good thing) she was glad to be getting something in her tummy. She has eaten a couple more times since then but still isn't real sure about eating from the catheter and syringe. She gets the hang of it a little more each time she eats and will probably be a pro by morning! 

She is currently sleeping peacefully in the chair with her daddy after some formula and her most recent dose of pain medicine. She is the sweetest thing and I cannot believe how different she looks.  I am so glad we have one surgery down (even if we are barely getting started on the recovery). It is very encouraging to have one step done! Hudsyn is a strong little lady and I grow more eager each day to see God's plan for her. 

Hopefully after the surgeon or one of his residents makes rounds in the morning we will be able to head home! We will continue to feed her with the syringe and catheter for 3 days and she cannot have her pacifier during that time. Soon after that she should begin to return to regular eating. God is good!



  1. Love, love, love your writing! So excited that everyone is doing so well! Love you bunches❤️


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