This little lady has RSV and spent Friday, Friday night, and Saturday in the hospital trying to get well. Luckily, the breathing treatments every 2 hours were effective and we got to come home Saturday evening. We will continue to do treatments at home to ensure she makes a full recovery. We need her to be 100% healthy by surgery time!

We spent most of our time in the "croup tent" while we were at the hospital. Sissy was a trooper though, and didn't fuss much at all.

Because she was in isolation and Barrett is so young, he was not allowed to come in and see her at the hospital. He was heart broken. He kept saying "but, my sis is missin' me!" He is the sweetest big brother and he was SO excited to see her when we got home.

Although it has been a pretty crazy week, I wouldn't change this precious family for the world! We are so very blessed!



  1. Poor girl! My daughter had to be hospitalized around 8 weeks old with nasty rsv. It's no fun! Prayers she is feeling better soon!


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