4 Month Check-up 

We saw Dr. Smith, Hudsyn’s surgeon this morning. He said she looks good but definitely has a fistula near the front of her Palate. A fistula is defined as “an abnormal or surgically made passage between a hollow or tubular organ and the the body surface or between two hollow or tubular organs.” We knew she had a “hole” in the front of her mouth right behind her gum line and that they would fix it when they did the bone graft in the future (somewhere between 7 and 9 years old); but, we didn’t know that part of that hole was this fistula that formed after her Palate surgery in September. The hole is about as big around as the tip of my pinky finger. But, as long as it doesn’t begin to cause her any problems eating or anything we will stick to the plan and fix it when she is a little older. If it does happen to begin to cause any issues they will repair it sooner. 

We will also watch her speech and likely start her in some sort of speech program as soon as she starts saying a few more words. There is also an additional surgery she could possibly need in the next couple of years to aid in her speech development. But, we are kind of in a “hurry up and wait” phase right now. We will wait to see how her speech progresses and how (or if) the fistula affects her eating and drinking. 

Everyone in the doctor’s office thought she was adorable of course, and she cried a little when he looked in her mouth but quit as soon as he was done which was a big plus! She even showed off for him a little :) 

As we were leaving the office, Dr. Smith introduced us to a young man (probably 16-18 years old) who was just “finishing up” on his cleft/surgery journey with Dr. Smith. He told the boy and his mother “this little girl is just beginning her cleft journey and you’ve just finished yours!” The boy smiled from ear to ear. We shared the elevator with them on the way down and Hudsyn flirted with him the entire time. It is always comforting to see other kids in his office and know that there are so many people who have been where we are. 

Although I still struggle with “why” my Sweet Huddy girl was chosen for this particular journey, I am reminded frequently how blessed we have been by the people we have met along the way. Experienced “cleft-moms” have blessed and helped me in so many ways and I hope I am able to do the same for others in the future. 



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